Tag: stylist

Total 197 Posts

Pink Perk-Me-Up

Well, this is a very perky, pink, pick-me-up post (say that 10 times fast) on this very snowy day! I love, love love this suit by Kate Spade. So cute, so flattering, so funn, and will be easy to wear, splashing around with the kiddos, this summer. Delish, little pink macaroon of a swimsuit. And

Kardashian Nights

So, here’s the dress I wore the night I almost became famous. The Kardashians were filming all week where we were staying, and unbeknownst to us, we walked in for dinner reservations at the same place where they were setting up a private dinner for the K klan (snapped a pic, below). And that’s my

VW Love

Site’s back up and running! Tried posting yesterday morning, but it was a no-go. Anyhoo, we just back from a week of bliss in Costa Rica (and by “we,” I mean just my husband and I – hence, the bliss;). It was A-mazing. Full of jungle-dreams-come-true with monkeys trotting into our bathroom, and one smashing my

Birthday Squad

It’s my birthday, today! Gonna party all night ’til nine (cuz I’m old with four kids), cuz it’s ma birthday.;) Feeling blessed and grateful, waking up to so many sweet birthday wishes from family and friends, this morning! Seriously, my heart is about to pop, it feels so full. This “Sunday Best” is from last Sunday before church,

Life-Coloring Changes

Buckle up! I’ve got a lot of ‘splainin’ to do. I am so, super excited about some changes I’m making to my blog, this year!! My paragraph titles will give you a good idea of where I’m going with it, if ya don’t feel like reading my life’s blog story.;) A Little Background, First…. For those

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!! Hope your year is off to a great start! Most of us are still sick (all but Dad), but we still had fun ringing in the New Year (east coast time – we cheated), playing card games in our jammies. That may sound super boring, but we had the best time! The

Sweater Up

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We sure did, and then topped it off with an ice skating party with good friends (+ 19 kids!) on our pond. I love the holidays!! And I love after-Christmas sales….. this Anthro sweater is way on sale!! And Madewell’s sale is on sale, so ya know that’s gonna be