Good morning! So. It seems I’m always busting out my trusty, yellow, J.Crew coat this time of year, and I think it’s because we’re usually teased with spring-like weather, only to be yanked back to gloomy, snowy, slushy winter (such is the nature of transitional weather, I know). Wearing my yella fella just helps to compensate
Hi Ya, Sunny!
Oh, my Jude. He’s my biggest baby with the biggest heart. I should clarify big: he was born two weeks early, weighing 8.3 lbs (he would have been over a whopping 9 if he went full term!), and he arrived hungry. And is still always hungry. For the first year of his life, he was
Orange Ya Glad for Winter Colour?
This time of year is such a weather tease! And will be for the next couple of months…. Warm-ish, freezing, rain, snow, sleet, wind, blue skies – sometimes all on the same day. We’ve enjoyed an unusually warm and gorgeous spring spell, but it’s been back to frigid degrees and snow this past week. Then
Orange is the New Black
Orange is absolutely my new, go-to, pick-me-up hue. I love wearing bright, bold color in the winter! I also happen to really love cold, dark, rainy/snowy weather, but I tend to reach for things that can instantly brighten up those days. Like this coat + scarf. Wearing: Chambray Shirt: Madewell. Jeans: Madewell. Coat: Zara (sold out
Reporting for Winter Combat Duty
As soon as winter really kicks in (read: after the holidays are over, and cold, wet weather has lost its jingle-bell-cozy bloom), I immediately turn to color for a pick-me-up. Although I can’t say we’re in full-blown winter here (it has actually been quite sunny and gorgeous, lately), I still find myself reaching for vibrant hues.